Saturday, 29 May 2010

Tickles and Tears

I am sooooo excited, I am now in the re-homing section! I have a lovely bright cabin with a super poster on the glass telling everyone about my Blog!

It is great in here, as I have met lots of the wonderful cat cuddlers who make us feel loved. These big ones are very special, they come in to see us and tell us about their week whilst stroking our stresses away. I am now waiting for that special big one to take me home. Please come and see me, and tell me what you think of the blog as no-one leaves any comments...

It has been very busy this week, a few of my friends have been reserved and bragging about it all day. Arthur is the worst, he has been on reception (again) and tells everyone that he wants to makes sure the big blue ones are working hard before he goes to his new home. He likes to strut around and sits on every chair in turn (because he's the boss you know).

There is a lovely big one with curly hair (she is one of my staff) and she talks in a funny accent. Big Tommy told me she is Italian. I have been learing a few words so she will be so impressed she'll give me some more of that wonderful catnip. Otherwise I have to pinch some off Dillon!

Did you like my photos from last week? They were checking the shaved area to see if I could have babies or not. Are they mad?? At my age?? I know I flirt with the tom cats but really all I want is a nice quiet home with a comfy lap to sleep on.

We have all been very sad this week as our dear old friend Pogo left us to go over the rainbow bridge. He had such a hard life and it was such a shame that he never got to live his last few months in a comfy home. Please spare a thought for him today and all the others who are still sitting here waiting after many months.

Now another reminder - please come and see us all on Sunday 27th June during our open day. There will be lots of fun things to do and eat. The big ones are ever so helpful & can answer any feline questions you may have.

Right time to go. I have to be extra nice to the big one with the shaved head so I can get a turn on reception.
Love and licks, Jasmine xxxxx


  1. Hi Jasmine

    I love reading your blogs and sorry to hear you have no comments :( I am a 'cuddler' at the NCAC and I dont know if you remember me but I gave you a 'cuddle' last w/e!! Its great to see some of your friends have now got new homes but I hope you find a nice, loving big one to take you home soon - you an adorable little lady. Hope to see you in reception soon and keep blogging. Lots of Love. Justine xx

  2. Miaowwww Justine! Of course I remember you! I especially like the under-the-chin tickles. I have noticed that a lot of the cuddlers sneak off to eat the cake at the cafe, so I thought I might keep a chocolate one in the cabin to keep you with me?? xxxx

  3. Glad you like the tickles, Im going to the centre this afternoon so I'm sure I will see you and give you another big cuddle!! I have at admit I am one of those big ones that sneak of for cake (and how did you guess chocolate!!) - I will always come back to see you though ;) xxx

  4. Justine, cats know everything that goes on (plus we like to listen in on conversations!) xx

  5. Brava Jasmine!!! I will teach you some italian words later! :-)

  6. I wish I lived a bit nearer. My cat is from the NCAC and I converted him from a scared shy creature to a soft lap addict! My hubby says I'm a Cat Whisperer.

  7. Miaoooowww Amanda! You sound like a puurrrfffect 'big one'! Are you sure you don't have room for an extra one??? It is so nice to know that I am being heard. It can be very lonely looking out of the glass window all day. Perhaps you could meet up with Justine and share some cake?
    Irene - are you the curly 'big one'?? Ok here goes the Italian (Lulu gave me a quick lesson)..
    Ciao Irene. Ti amo occuparselo di. Vengo prego darmi un abbraccio giornaliere!!

  8. oh, Jasmine you are clever with your Italian - Ill have to get learning some words so that I can have a 'chat' to you on my next cuddling session!! I saw you yesterday but I have to admit you did swear at me, but then to be honest you probally get a bit fed up with these big ones sometimes!! I believe Arthur goes to his new home this week. Is there any rumours, who's going to be the lucky reception cat - I know big Tommy does the afternoon shift but who's the lucky one?!!

    Do you ever speak to little Daisy or podgy Chocolate & Buttons - they are adorable (as you all are!!)

    Big hugs Jasmine xxx

  9. Oh Justine, I had a CATastrophic day! I really wasn't swearing at you, just a bit fed up seeing all the others get new homes. Also sometimes,people open the door & grab me and don't give me a few minutes to decide if I want to talk. When you came I forgot that you were one of the gentle ones. Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, he has been going on about leaving ALL week, AND he won't say if he has put in a good word for me. Buttons and choccy are great, I am jealous of their soft fur. Don't mention the 'weight' problem though. Choccy just says she has big bones. xxx

  10. Well done Jasmine, your italian is quite good. I can teach you a very useful phrase: "Vorrei del pesce fresco, per favore", that means " I would like some fresh fish, please". Try to use it next time you see me around! XXX
