Wednesday 2 June 2010

Hello from B.T (Big Tommy to you)

What's all this then? I am rather busy with all my reception duties and checking the young ones are behaving, and then Jasmine has me searching the internet and all the time she is chatting to you lot!

Time for tom cats to muscle in!

Now I know that Jazz is pretty/wise/likes catnip etc but hey who says she should have all the attention? Well, the boys and I think it's time for us to have a go.

Yep I'm Big Tommy, I love being cuddled so I can look over your shoulder and see that everyone's doing what they should.
I monitor the big ones and send reports back to Garfield in the USA (you may know him as he's been in a couple of films). He is a bit of a show-off but we respect him and his attitude towards dogs. Never forget...Dogs have owners, Cats have staff!

Oh Whiskers! I've been rumbled, lets CATch up later. BT xxx


  1. Tommy, this is not acceptable behaviour! Get your paws off my blog. You always have to be the centre of attention!

  2. Hi BT!! Have you been a naughtly little boy and catnapped Jasmine's computer. Nice to see you on here as well, have you heard any news of the new reception cat!! See you both Saturday xx
